Living Chapters part II

Sometimes I walk alone on the road until I get lost in Thoughts. I look left, I look right and sometimes, I look back.  Sometimes I see what I couldn’t see before, and other times I just walk. The great thing about getting older is that you don't lose all the other ages you've been. Sometimes I’m trapped inside the prison walls that used to be my mind, and the man I used to be has long been left behind. Other times the children I was before start living in my mind. Each moment in life is a new chapter and each one provides a new lesson to learn and a story to tell. I have done the careless chapter, the naïve chapter, the lost chapter, the growing chapter, the learning chapter, the happy chapter, the comfortable chapter. Who decides these chapters anyways?

You wanted to grow up fast .... There you go. What did you lose, what did you win? Seen things, you grew faster than you imagined and yet, everything was so slow in the old times.Infinite hours watching the sun rise, perched on the small wall at the entrance of my grandfathers house, watched the chill of the morning disappear as the horizon uncovered the white dew robe to make room for a colorful day of greens, reds and yellows. The time between birthdays was almost endless. What I used to call a circumstance, was simply what I allowed life to be. At twenty I thought that time would solve the problems ... at almost thirty-five I realize that time is what becomes the problem. I was the one who started this story. It's up to me to finish it. (TS)
